
Intro to Redis part 2

An introduction to Redis, pt 2: An exploration of Hashes.

Welcome back to my introduction to Redis! I’ve been using Redis on a daily basis for work (Form.io), and loving every minute of it. This is part 2 of my introduction to Redis, so feel free to read my Intro to Redis part 1 if you haven’t yet.

In part 1, we scratched the surface with the fundamentals, today we’re going to dive right in and explore Hashes! To reiterate what I stated in Part 1, Redis has a multitude of uses, and what I demo is by no means its limit, so I strongly encourage everyone to follow along in their terminals and explore!

Note: All redis commands can be used in lowercase, but I'll stay consistent with the documentation and use uppercase for all the examples in this series.


Hashes are key-value pairs that share a single key (Redis inception?). Hashes can be visualized as the JSON Object:

  "some-redis-key": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2",
    "key3": "value3"

Each hash is stored using a key, which in turn has its own key/value pairs. You can create a hash with HSET, which requires the hash key to be used and an initial key/value pair. Additionally, we can get the value of a field using HGET, and delete a field using HDEL.

Note: If you want to delete the whole hash, it can be done by deleting the key itself.

$ redis-cli> HSET hash1 foo bar
(integer) 1> HGET hash1 foo
"bar"> HDEL hash1 foo
(integer) 1> HGET hash1 foo

Hashes also provide a way to set/get multiple values at once (without using transactions) with HMSET and HMGET.

$ redis-cli> HMSET hash1 key1 value1 key2 value2
OK> HGET hash1 key1
"value1"> HGET hash1 key2
"value2"> HMGET hash1 key1 key2
1) "value1"
2) "value2">

If you just need all the keys or all the values, or even the number of key/value pairs, you can use HKEYS, HVALS, and HLEN.

$ redis-cli> HKEYS hash1
1) "key1"
2) "key2"> HVALS hash1
1) "value1"
2) "value2"> HLEN hash1
(integer) 2>

Now this is all fine and dandy, but how do you update the value of a specific field? Well that can be done by using HSET again. Now, that could pose an issue… How does one save a field for the first time, rather than potentially overwriting pre-existing data? HEXISTS will allow you to see if a field exists, or even more intelligently, HSETNX will only set a field if it does not already have a value.

$ redis-cli> HEXISTS hash1 key1
(integer) 1> HSETNX hash1 key1 updatedValue1
(integer) 0> HSETNX hash1 key3 value3
(integer) 1>

Finally, Hashes support simple sum operations, both integer and float, with HINCRBY and HINCRBYFLOAT.

$ redis-cli> HINCRBY hash1 num1 1
(integer) 1> HINCRBY hash1 num1 1
(integer) 2> HINCRBYFLOAT hash1 num2 1.00000001
"1.00000001"> HINCRBYFLOAT hash1 num2 0.00003000

Although hashes provide a way to complete most commonly available operations, it should be noted that you cannot set individual properties to expire. So if you need to set a TTL on your individual properties, then hashes are a no-go for you.


The trick to using Redis successfully is knowing what tools you have at your disposal. Deploying with the correct implementation can really help with headaches down the road. There are situations where hashes are the best tool for the job, and hopefully I can help highlight the strengths.

Hashes in general are just empty containers that best correspond to objects. There is no hard limit on the number of fields in a Hash (other than memory) so they can pretty much be used for anything. The primary use case of Hashes is to reduce long common key names that correspond to separate properties, for example, imagine using plain keys to store the properties of a given user:

$ redis-cli> SET user1:name zack
OK> SET user1:twitter @zackurben
OK> SET user1:password password
OK> KEYS user1:*
1) "user1:name"
2) "user1:twitter"
3) "user1:password"

The given example is wildly impractical because:

  1. It requires the use of KEYS to get the properties for user1, which runs in O(n) for the entire key space of Redis; RIP Server IO. You could additional use SCAN with a glob pattern, but again pretty impractical for identifying (and possibly updating) user properties. Can you say Transactions?
  2. The primary key is almost fully duplicated for each property of the user, which is terrible considering that RAM is the literal lifeblood of Redis.
  3. You cannot atomically read or delete all the keys at the same time, even with a glob pattern. First you need to use KEYS or SCAN to find the keys, and individually read or delete them with GET and DEL. Note: MGET does not work with glob patterns.

There are other items to be added to the list of impracticalities, but I think I’ve made my point; Enter Hashes. The previous example can be demonstrated below using Redis Hashes.

$ redis-cli> HSET user1 name zack
(integer) 1> HSET user1 twitter @zackurben
(integer) 1> HSET user1 password password
(integer) 1> HKEYS user1
1) "name"
2) "twitter"
3) "password"> HVALS user1
1) "zack"
2) "@zackurben"
3) "password"

Now to get all the keys associated with user1 you can use HKEYS rather than KEYS, which runs in O(hash length) vs O(entire redis keyspace), a significant improvement in CPU usage! Additionally the primary key is not partially or even fully duplicated for each property, a significant improvement in RAM usage! You can even get all of the key/value pairs using HGETALL, which runs in O(hash length), something that would require multiple non-atomic function calls outside of hashes.

It should also be noted that Redis has some great internal optimizations around small hashes, to greatly reduce their memory footprint even further.


As stated earlier, the aim of this post was to explore the Hash data type and understand its use cases. Hashes are fundamentally collections of properties relating to a single common key. Using Hashes vs standard Keys can save a tremendous amount of space, which is crucial when the entire data set is loaded in RAM!

I hope someone found this post helpful, and as always feel free to reach out to me on Twitter and suggest new topics for me to cover!

− Zack

EDIT: My Intro to Redis part 3 is now up!